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    Walmart China is committed to operating responsibly, and creating shared value for our customers, associates, suppliers, and communities through our social and environmental sustainability efforts.

    As part of our efforts to serve local communities, since entering China, Walmart has donated approximately 160 million RMB worth of funds and goods to philanthropy programs, Walmart China associates have devoted 240,000 voluntary hours.

    Walmart continues to focus on people and the planet, and make sustainability efforts aiming to source responsibly, sell sustainable products, reduce waste and emissions, and protect and restore nature.

    Honors and Awards

    Walmart China's efforts in Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability are widely recognized in China. Some of our most recent awards and honors are:

    • Named "2023 Golden Axe Public Reponsibility Company" in the 2023 NetEase Capital Market Forum organized by Shanghai Institution for Finance & Development, NetEase Finance and NetEase Finance Think Tank

    • Outstanding contributions to the 20-year development of the Humanitarian Aid Project of the China Foundation for Rural Development

    • "Ten-Year Sustainable Seafood Contribution Award" presented by Marine Stewardship Council

    • Annual Industry Case of the "Sustainable China Industrial Development Action" at the APEC China CEO Forum 2022

    • “Outstanding Contributions to Poverty Alleviation” recognized by China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation

    • Recognized as “2021 Charitable Enterprise” by One Foundation

    • Named “Rural Revitalization Pioneer Enterprise” at the 2021 Responsible China Annual Ceremony hosted by Southern Metropolis Daily

    • Recognized as “Advanced Performer in Decarbonization” as part of the “2021 Sustainable Business Awards” of the European Chamber of Commerce in China

    • Among Top 45 of “2016 to 2020 Excellent Cases of Poverty Alleviation by Foreign-Owned Enterprises” by China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation, China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment, and School of Policy and Management, Tsinghua University

    • Made the Green List of Chain Enterprises of China Chain Store and Franchises Association

    • “Award for Outstanding Contribution to Pandemic Prevention and Control” presented by New Weekly

    • The “Poverty Alleviation Action” Member Certificate presented by China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation and China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment

    • “Responsible Brand of the Year” in the 9th China Charity Festival

    • “Outstanding Partner for Poverty Alleviation” award from One Foundation

    • “Annual CSR Leadership Award” by the American Chamber of Commerce

    • “Top 100 Corporates in Philanthropy” ranking by Jiemian News

    • Enterprise for Special Tribute in 30 Years of Charity for Women and Promotion of Reform and Opening-up from the China Women's Development Foundation

    • "Outstanding Contribution Award" from the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation

    • "Annual Responsibility Case Award" from New Weekly

    • "Outstanding Public Service Medal of 2017" at the 3rd China Enterprise Public Service Medal Summit hosted by the China Enterprise Public Service Development Organization Committe

    • "Outstanding Public Service Medal of the Year" from Beijing Youth Daily and other leading charity organizations


    Walmart China continues to pay attention to the sustainable development of local communities. We currently focus on efforts advancing children’s nutrition and health, women’s economic empowerment, and emergency disaster relief. We also encourage associates to actively volunteer and give back to the community. Walmart China’s most important community support work includes the following.

    Children’s Nutrition and Health
    • Children’s Nutritious Meals Program

    Since 2011, Walmart China has financially supported the “Children’s Nutritious Meals Program” of China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (CFPA), which has been renamed “China Foundation for Rural Development”. In 2015, the program was upgraded to a public fundraising campaign that has worked with customers, suppliers and associates to improve the nutrition of elementary school children in underdeveloped areas.  

    Since 2011, Walmart China has supported the program with around RMB 18 million accumulated through corporate donations and fundraising activities involving customers, associates and suppliers. The program has benefitted about 55,000 children in underdeveloped areas in Sichuan, Yunnan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, and Chongqing. It has provided 3.6 million portions of nutritious meals, equipped 93 schools with advanced kitchen facilities, and carried out nutrition knowledge education.

    Women’s Empowerment
    • Raise Her Business Plan

    In 2010, Walmart China began to cooperate with China Women’s Development Foundation (CWDF) to set up the “Walmart Women’s Development Program” (the former “Walmart Women’s Development Fund”), supporting CWDF’s “Revolving Loans for Mothers Project”. The Project runs in the mode of “microloans and circulated funds”, aiming to help women in difficulties become employed or re-employed, or work as small business entrepreneurs.

    In 2015, to adapt to the development of the Internet and digital economy, CWDF upgraded the “Revolving Loans for Mothers Project” to "Raise Her Business Plan". The project has incorporated the Internet mindset and has integrated the strengths of multiple parties for crossover cooperation and management innovations. Under “Raise Her Business Plan”, Walmart China continues to empower rural women through supporting the “Revolving Loans for Mothers Project”, women empowerment training,and a women entrepreneurship and employment service platform.

    As of 2022, Walmart China had supported the “Revolving Loans for Mothers Project” with a total of RMB 17.64 million in revolving loans. The project had been implemented in 13 provinces, regions and cities, including Shaanxi, Hebei and Hunan, and has benefitted more than 17,300 rural women. In terms of women empowerment training, Walmart China and CWDF jointly launched the “Produce from Her Village”Training Project in 2022. The project, focused on live-streaming e-commerce, offered training on agricultural product development and live-streaming to 400 rural female entrepreneurs in Hunan, Zhejiang and Jiangsu. These efforts helped rural women develop an omnichannel retail mindset, trained female entrepreneurs and built a healthy ecosystem supporting rural entrepreneurship and employment.

    • Walmart China Women & Inclusion Leadership Committee (WIL)

    Diversity and inclusion have been one of Walmart’s core values. Walmart China established the “Walmart China Women & Inclusion Leadership Committee (WIL)”, which aims to encourage, cultivate, and develop women’s leadership, promote gender equality, and create better development opportunities for more women. The sponsors of WIL are led by the CEO of Walmart China and composed of a number of executives including both women and men, who have provided strong support to the work of WIL.

    Over the years, WIL has been regularly organizing activities to provide training and communication opportunities for female associates, helping them broaden horizons, carry out capacity building, expand professional and social networks, and participate in the company’s business plan-making processes. Both women and the men who support women’s career development are involved.

    Associate Voluntary Service
    • Big Dream Achiever Program

    In 2019, Walmart China and One Foundation launched the “Wal-Love Afternoon Tea” philanthropy project, providing work experience to young people with intellectual disabilities, such as those with autism. The project worked with these young people's families to help them integrate into society. Walmart China recruited associate volunteers to accompany, guide and encourage these participants. In 2020, the project was renamed “Big Dream Achiever”, and was upgraded from a half day work experience activity into a one-week work experience program at Walmart stores. The enhanced program provides youth with intellectual disabilities with hands-on experience in various positions in store operations, benefiting their future employment.

    In 2023, the "Big Dream Achiever" program was further upgraded, with 16 regular store work experience sessions arranged for young people with intellectual disabilities at one hypermarket and two Sam's Clubs in Shenzhen and Chengdu. By the end of 2023, the "Big Dream Achiever" program had 145 sessions/persons that gained work experience in the the Shenzhen and Chengdu outlets.

    • Store-Level Voluntary Service

    In addition to the voluntary service activities organized at the corporate level, Walmart China has leveraged its nationwide network and large workforce to actively participate in community development, and Walmart China outlets across the country have been proactively organizing various volunteer activities to serve local communities. In July 2023, Walmart China officially established the Volunteer Club of the Community Caring Program with over 300 employees now joining the club.

    Emergency Disaster Relief

    Since Walmart entered China in 1996, we have been actively involved in disaster relief, provided assistance and funding timely to support the reconstruction and development of disaster areas, for example, Sichuan Wenchuan earthquake, Qinghai earthquake, Sichuan Ya’an earthquake, and Covid-19 epidemic. Our actions in the past three years include:

    • In July 2021, Walmart China urgently coordinated the transfer of emergency supplies valued at "more than RMB 2 million" from Tianjin to Zhengzhou. Daily necessities including rice, flour, grains, oil and water, and anti-bacterial products including hand sanitizers and disinfectants were donated to local residents affected by the heavy rainstorm in Henan through the help of China Women’s Development Foundation, One Foundation and the subdistrict offices of Zhongyuan District in Zhengzhou City.

    • In March 2020, in response to the public health crisis caused by COVID-19, Walmart and Walmart Foundation committed more than $1.5 million USD (approx. 10.44 million RMB) to support relief efforts in China.Since the beginning of the COVID-19 surges, Walmart China has been committed to community service and undertaken the responsibility as a retailer to provide timely essential supplies to residents in local communities. In addition, Walmart China, focused on caring for others, introduced innovative services including designated shopping time for elderly and customers with physical disabilities. Walmart China also provided supplies for the visually impaired and families with sick children.

    • In June 2019, Walmart China donated 500,000 RMB to provide daily necessities like rice, flour and oil through One Foundation, to support disaster relief for Sichuan earthquake and floods in South China.

    • In August 2017, Walmart China donated daily necessities worth of 500,000 RMB to support people impacted by the earthquake in Sichuan through the Sichuan Province Poverty Alleviation Foundation.

    • 2016 summer, 26 provinces and thousands of counties were severely hit by storm and flood in China. Walmart has been highly involved in disaster relief. In June, Walmart prepared 300 sets of emergency life-kits to Jiangsu Yancheng within 24 hours which was hit by tornado; in July, Walmart quickly responded with 4.7 million RMB worth of disaster relief supplies; in August, Walmart Foundation donated 2 million RMB to One Foundation for disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction for flood stricken areas.

    • In May 2016, on the 8th “National Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Day”, Walmart donated 7.8 million RMB worth of disaster preparation supplies to CFPA, including shoes, clothes, etc., to enrich the reservation of disaster preparation supplies of the foundation to support in-time emergency disaster relief.

    Since 2005, Walmart has integrated sustainability into its corporate development strategy. In 2020, Doug McMillon, President and CEO of Walmart Inc., announced that Walmart had set itself on a path toward becoming a regenerative company. Walmart was to double down on addressing the growing climate crisis by targeting zero emissions across the company’s global operations by 2040. Walmart and Walmart Foundation committed to help protect, manage or restore at least 50 million acres of land and one million square miles of ocean by 2030 to help combat the cascading loss of nature threatening the planet.

    In China, Walmart is committed to integrating sustainability into all aspects of our operations and supply chain, and encouraging consumers to shop in an environmentally friendly way. 

    Low-Carbon Operations

    In China, Walmart sets green operations objectives into all parts of management. Walmart hypermarket stores and Sam’s Clubs across China save energy and reduce emissions in six aspects.

    1. Digitalized and Intelligent Management

    Stores are equipped with intelligent tools to monitor and control energy use, leading to energy savings. Stores have undergone range hood frequency conversion retrofit, and upgraded lighting control systems and the adjustment capacity of automatically controlled air conditioning systems.

    2. Energy Saving Improvements

    Walmart uses effective and low-energy equipment and products, including upgraded refrigeration systems, R448A environmentally friendly refrigerants, enhanced magnetic levitation water chillers, and improved LED high bay lights to enhance energy efficiency.

    3. Clean Energy

    Walmart continues to use solar photovoltaic power generation and clean energy to support green energy development.

    • Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Systems

    Rooftop solar photovoltaic systems have been implemented in Shanghai Pudong Sam’s Club, Walmart Shanghai Nanpu Bridge Store, Dalian Xianglujiao Sam’s Club, and the distribution center in Pingshan, Shenzhen. As of June 2022, the systems had generated3.8 million kilowatt hours, reducing over 3,780 tons of carbon emissions.

    4. Low Carbon Energy Savings in Day-to-Day Operations

    Every year, Walmart runs training and awareness campaign on energy saving, encouraging associates to appropriately use and save energy.

    5. Enhancing Store Waste Conversion

    Walmart continues to recycle waste including cardboard boxes, stretch film, hard plastic in large quantities.

    6. Reducing Food Loss and Waste

    In July 2021, All Walmart hypermarkets and Sam’s Club launched “surplus food donations” to serve the community, reduce food waste, and reduce potential carbon emissions resulting from food destruction.

    In 2022, Walmart China expanded its collaboration with Shanghai Oasis Public Service Development Center to build a recurring food donation network across China. Walmart China took the lead in exploring a standardized, operable and replicable model of surplus food donations by a hypermarket or supermarket retailer. “Walmart China’s Community Food Bank” will gradually branch out to all outlets in China, becoming a forerunner in the retail industry to build a nationwide surplus food donations network.

    In addition, Walmart China announced its strategic partnership with China Chain Store and Franchise Association (CCFA) in the “Surplus Food Donation Pioneering Program”. The collaboration aims to promote food reduction by the retail industry, and contributes to constructive solutions for surplus food donations by retail chain stores and franchises in China.

    In August 2023, to further advance actions to reduce food loss, Walmart China upgraded the program with CCFA to launch the Cherishing Food – Joint Action to Reduce Food Waste Project. The project aimed to encourage companies in retail, food and other related industries to work together to reduce waste in food and raw materials, and recycle food waste. Such efforts would have an impact that extends from retail to upstream supply chain to further reduce food waste. Mengniu Gro
    up, Mondelēz China, PepsiCo, Tyson Foods, OATLY, and SGT Food were the initial members of the joint initiative.

    Sustainable Supply Chain
    • Project Gigaton

    Walmart Suppliers Lead the Change, Help Deliver Project Gigaton Goal More Than Six Years Early

    In 2017, Walmart Inc. announced the launch of “Project Gigaton”, aiming to reduce or avoid one billion metric tons (a gigaton) of greenhouse gases from the global value chain by 2030. Through Project Gigaton, our suppliers have now reported actions that are expected to reduce, avoid or sequester over ONE GIGATON of CO2e  emissionshelping us reach our goals six years early! 

    A big thank you to all suppiers who have made contribution to hitting this initial Project Gigaton goal.

    Celebrate your success:

    • If you have achieved Giga Guru or Sparking Change status, you will find your company's name and logo on the  public recognition page .

    Although we have achieved our 1 gigaton goal, we will continue Project Gigatonbecause as a society we have a long way to go. Building a net zero emissions future will require a massive transition in our world's energy and transport systems, materials and infrastructure. We continue to invite our suppliers to participate in Project Gigaton to build a resilient supply chain together. 

    •  6 Pillars for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions

    How to Participate

    1.     Create a Sustainability Portal account and sign up for “Project Gigaton”.

    Visit Walmart Sustainability Hub, and sign in using your Retail Link account to join.

    2.     Set your SMART emission reduction goals.

    Work within your organization to set an emissions reduction goal; all goals should be SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time Limited.

    3.     Report your impact each year through the annual survey questions and get recognition for your progress.

    Report your progress throughEmissions Calculators each reporting season (approximately September to November).

    4.     Official Recognition by Walmart

    Companies achieving the following recognition status are recognized on the public recognition page by Walmart to demonstrate their emission reduction achievements.

    ü  Giga Guru

    ü  Sparking Change

    We are here to help and are excited to share three tailor-made learning opportunities on Carbon Footprint Calculation to help you identify where to start or how to accelerate your climate journey.

    Lesson 1: Getting started on estimating your carbon footprint

    Lesson 2: From estimating emissions to accelerating action

    Lesson 3: Climate action for companies with 500 employees or less – Introduction to to the SME Clime Hub

    • Scale up Sustainable Merchandising

    Sam’s Club supports Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified sustainable seafood and Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP). In 2017, Sam’s Club was the first retailer piloting MSC certified sustainable seafood traceability system in China. In 2018, Sam’s Club launched its sustainable seafood strategy. In 2019, Sam’s Club extended the focus from seafood to the impact thatplastic makes on the ocean, and continued to expand the merchandise representation of sustainable seafood. As of May 2022, approximately 70% of frozen seafood products under Sam’s Club private brand “Member’s Mark” were MSC、BAP and ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council) certified.

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